How the PNC does raise money?
Basil buy a pig from Felix, a old farmer partner, for $300.
Felix agree to deliver the pig the next day.
Next day, Felix drive up and said, "Sorry Basil, but I have some bad news. De pig dead."
"Well gie me back meh money," said Basil."Worse news boy, I went and spen it already.""OK, then. Just unload the pig."
"Wha yuh go do wid him?" asked Felix."You doan worry, I go raffle him."
"You cyan raffle a dead pig. Yuh mad or what!"
"Who seh so....you makin joke. Watch me. I ent tellin nobody he dead," said Basil.
A month later Felix bounce up Basil in the court. "Basil, wha happen with yuh dead pig boy?"
Basil replied, "Ah raffle him off nuh. Ah sell 500 hundred tickets at 5 dollars and ah rake in $2,500.00""Nobody eh make noise?" asked Felix"Only de fella who win. So ah gie him back he five dollars!"
No wonder Cde. Corbin, then tek the money and put it into CLICO. See two theif mek god laugh.
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