Sunday, February 1, 2009

Corbin and the Integrity Commission

The recent announcement by the president that the all members of parliament must submit information to the Integrity Commission was met with a lot of opposition from Mr. Robert Corbin and Raphael Trotman. Mr Corbin is on record telling his MP’s to violate the laws of Guyana by not submitting their forms as is required by the law. Is this the type of leadership that this country needs? Certainly he cannot be serious.

One would have thought that after the Barge Fiasco, that he had sufficient time to come clean, but atlas it seems that he still has something to hide. Well let the people be the judge, of who really are the corrupt individuals in our parliament.

Trotman who was championing change with his AFC, is also having difficulty changing. Perhaps with these submissions, we might finally be able to understand how the AFC was able to pay political consultant Dick Morris, or who much of the monies that was received for these activities were siphon off.

It really seems that the opposition MP’s are really afraid of the Integrity Commission. Well lets see how this story unfold, maybe many of the MPs would be exposed!

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