Sunday, February 1, 2009

PNC in trouble?

The Peoples National Congress is going through turbulent times. Since the marginalization of the Alexander reformers, the party has not been the same. The most recent fiasco is forcing the PNC loyalist Winston Murray [one of the few East Indian] in the PNC to resign his position as the Chairman of the party. Mr Murray has obfuscated his resignation by claiming that his support for the government position on the EPA has caused an untenable rift, and make him look bad. Quite a plausible excuse, but our source within the PNC claims that Murray was told that he must resign, failing which he would face a McAlister like treatment. Left with no choice Murray resigned his position.

Now that the position of chairman is vacant, Corbin has engineered a situation for Basil Williams to step up. If because of popular pressure Corbin is force to step aside in 2011, then his candidate of choice will be Basil. But because Basil is so disliked among the rank and file. Corbin is hoping that by giving him some responsibility that he might be able to change the minds of the hardcore PNC supporters. But this move to promote Basil is a costly one, because he has sacrifice Murray. The tokenism pretense that the PNC is multiracial has been shattered, perhaps other east Indians in the party such as Charisa Reihl, Dave Danny and Amna Ally will have to reevaluate their position.

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